mardi 23 décembre 2008

The road to madness

So that's me then folks. I've done my bit for the year, packed my bags and I'm heading back to the UK. I've not felt this level of trepidation about returning 'home' since I turned up on my mother's doorstep having hitched from Athens when I was 20.

That said, I'm trying to stay positive, focussed on the good stuff, trying to not decide that the whole holiday is going to be awful before the event. But I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll be the same as every other year.

The thing is, I love my family, and they love me, but we don't really get each other.

My mother is largely mad - not dementia mad, just barmy. Cuckoo.

My brother is like me, only the exact opposite. I say white, he says black. I say stripes, he says spots, and so on.

Christmas with the three of us, plus my brother's wife and kids, is always special. It's like the most tense of tense situations, with a few laughs and smiles for the cameras. Lord, it's hard work is what it is.

Anyway, I have some drinks with friends to look forward to, and even a date while I'm over there. Maybe Santa will be nice to me this year ;-)

So, you all have fabulous Christmasses with your loved ones. Enjoy the season, smile a lot, laugh a lot and have a drink or two. Make the most of having your close ones close at hand, and give thanks for the year that has passed.

Thank you all for making 2008 a really special year for me, it's been a fun year and it's been great having you all along for the ride. Let's see what 2009 brings.

Oh, and did I mention that I have a job interview on the 29th?

16 commentaires:

Daryl a dit…

A job interview .. ummm ... with a change in location, ie, back to London or pleeeeze to NYC?

Wishing you many quiet moments in which to BREATHE ... hope the date is dishy ...

Happy, healthy, (and a little prosperity couldnt hurt)New Year ... muaaaaaaaah!


A Lewis a dit…

I've got a cuckoo momma in law...does that count? i swear, the times we get that family together are nothing short of interesting. and maddening, too. I can't tell you enough how much I wish good things for you....for happiness, peace, comfort, and just the right measure, at just the right times. Merry Christmas and Happiest of 2009.

Lane Mathias a dit…

Merry Christmas TBNIL and wishing you all good things for 2009, including a new job:-)

Anonyme a dit…

TBNIL, it's been a hoot to spend this last year visiting with you and I'm looking forward to the next. May it be all that you wish for and have a Merry Christmas with the clan.

The Hangar Queen a dit…

So when they all get right on your tits will you remember your own advice?

Ah sure,you'll be grand.Have a good one and all the best on the date/interview/NYE/Whatever you're having yerself.

cb a dit…

Two things. First, this job interview thingy had best be for a position in Paris,so that I have a place to stay when I visit.

Second- happy Christmas, hermione!

Unknown a dit…

family is FAMILY though ... what can you do, right? my own reunion of sorts was last month on my trip back home. it was complete with 2 big family dinners, a group studio portrait, and church services. 2 out of 3 weren't that bad ... can you guess which one??? eh -- i kid. i only get to be home maybe twice a year. :-)

good luck on your interview, et. al. i'm sure you'll have stories to tell!

Anonyme a dit…

hey Mr ------ what job,where etc etc
Have a good yule and may the godess bless you in abundance
With the family , do it in segments, just like a terrys orange, no one said it has to be all in one go xxxxxxxx

red a dit…

Heehee, I feel a bit mean, but I'm already looking forward to your Christmas tales. Good luck with the job interview and all the best for 2009. x

Anonyme a dit…

I hate Christmas and am not looking forward to it. I wonder what it must be like to experience a Christmas with a family that actually like each other.
Good luck with your interview!

Anonyme a dit…

A job interview?

Good luck with Christmas, and the interview.

Brett a dit…

Happy xmas

travelling, but not in love a dit…

merry christmas, happy holidays to all of you. I'll keep you posted on the interview...

Anonyme a dit…

good luck with the interview!!! Bestest belated Christmas wishes!

travelling, but not in love a dit…

Alan ) you too dearest.

Louise a dit…

A job interview??? There better be something about that later in this blog.

I can't believe I haven't read here since before Christmas. I hope it was good and less stressful than mine was.